Friday, August 22, 2014

Ready to retire your road rage?

Sometimes when you’re out on the road it’s easy to lose one’s temper. We’ve all experienced the horn blaring, cursing, aggressive driving road rage beast before, whether it was ourselves or someone else with the bad attitude. You can avoid submitting to a cranky temper with these tips:
Sleep. Seriously, sleep. A full night. No excuses. Everyone is a grouch when they don’t get enough sleep, this is just a given.
Plan ahead! It’s okay to leave early. This gives you time to be able to conquer unforeseen road difficulties without the stress.
Treat rude behavior the same way you would in a restaurant. Would you lose your cool over someone cutting you off in line at a bodega?
Probably not – it would be embarrassing. We are isolated in our cars, and feel a false sense of privacy and security while there. The truth is, everyone can see you flipping the bird and just a head’s up – nobody needs to be a lip reader to know what words you’re using.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Are you going accessory crazy on your Kia?

  1. Antenna toppers: The Jack in the Box one comes to mind.
  2. Car lashes: As if fake lashes on chicks weren't bad enough.
  3. The bra: the car equivalent of wearing socks with saddles.
  4. Spinning rims: We're still dizzy trying to figure this one out.
  5. Curb feelers: sort of like keeping training wheels on a BMX bike. You do know how to park, right?
  6. Swangas: Surely inspired by Madonna's cone bra circa 1990.

What would you add to this list?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Got Game?

Road trips – it is all about family togetherness, right? While technology is great, sometimes it is nice to play an old fashioned game on the road. These games increase situational awareness, keep the focus on the road, and are great for bonding.

The Alphabet Game: There are two ways to play this game. In the first version of the game, try to find all the letters of the alphabet in alphabetical order on license plates of other cars. In the second version of the game, you can find the letters in anything so long as it is outside of the car and on your side of the road. You can play this individually or as a team.

Out of State Game: Try to find all the out of state license plates. If you want you can create a point system. It is unlikely that you will see all of the states so you should try to see who gets the most points.

20 Questions: This game is perfect for when it is dark outside or when it is light. Try to guess what your companion is thinking about by asking 20 yes or no questions. By the end, you should be able to figure it out.